Friday, July 5, 2013

My Internet Distractions

I know I left you all a little down in my last post, but don't think for a second I am walking around town moping. I am keeping myself productively busy! And when I'm not busy being productive, I am almost always on the internet! So, I would like to share with you my internet distractions, in hopes that they become some of your favorite internet distractions too.

Facebook- This one is pretty self-explanatory. Creep on people's lives and make my own look better than it actually is. Great distraction that everyone uses now!

Sparknotes- No, this is not just a place to go review Romeo & Juliet the night before your English teacher gives you a test on the book. Its also a great place to read articles about life, or funny articles about other peoples' lives. I also find blogging inspiration from Sparknotes. Columns like AuntieSparknotes and Ask Jono are awesome!

You Tube- Combined, I have probably spent over a solid year of my life on You Tube. I am a hardcore You Tube creeper. I don't have an account, and don't make videos, but if its a popular video, a proposal video, a how-to video, or a music video, I've most likely seen it! Some of my favorite You Tubers are Jenna Marbles, Vlog Brothers, CTFxC, Ironing My Underwear, Timothy De La Ghetto, Phillip DeFreanco, Source Fed, ASAP Science, and many others. Seriously, go check out all of those people! As you watch their videos they will slowly seep their way into your heart and they will become the friends that live inside your computer! :) I also have watched every marriage proposal video on youtube. I find them so cute and all very unique.... Can't really explain or justify that fascination. I also discover music artist before they become famous on You Tube. A few examples are Sam Tsui, Alex Hobbs, and Justin Beiber! Seriously, I obsessed over Justin's crappy little acoustic videos before anyone in Hollywood knew his name. People like Sam Tsui and Alex Hobbs are not super famous, but have grown from making videos in their living rooms to producing real music videos. It's a pretty awesome progression to watch!

Pinterest- Electronic hoarding at its finest! Every cat meme, crock pot recipe, oversized sweater, messy bun tutorial, Ryan Gosling meme, inspirational tattoo, dream house, and home made craft idea can be found on pinterest! A girl like me, who likes to plan excessively can plan her whole life out eight different ways until she can't possibly pin more future house pictures and can't relate to any more of the "So Relatable" ecards. This one might be unique to just me, but I find scouring the front page of CNN to be entertaining. You get a nice balance of important and factual news, mixed with the crazy paparazzi news and the obscure home town news. Everything from headlines about what congress did that day (which was most likely nothing) to snippets of little Jimmy in Nowheresville Kentucky who fell out of dog catchers truck and lived. (something obscure like that)

Blog- Writing this blog has been an awesome internet distraction! It lets me get my thoughts a feelings out into the world, whoever little a piece of that world may be, it doesn't matter. I can say I am on the internet, my voice is being heard, and someone out there reading this cares what I have to say.
I think that is what the internet is all about, there is a community on the internet for everyone, connecting the world to each other. And with every blog post, music video, and tutorial that is posted, it's silently celebrating that special community. So celebrate with me! YAY internet distractions!

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