Saturday, June 29, 2013


At one point or more in everyone's life they are underestimated. By that I mean their capabilities are not valued, seen, or implemented by another person. Being underestimated doesn't mean your self worth should go down, in fact, it should drive you to prove them wrong! I personally get a fire going inside of me when I find out or can just tell someone is underestimating me. For the majority of my high school fastpitch career my main coach (though I had many many great ones) underestimated my playing ability day-in and day-out. All he saw was my initial timid demeanor and unusually small size. He assumed I couldn't make as much of an impact as the bigger and stronger girls. I let that determine the way I play for about a day and a half, before I snapped out of it and harnessed that doubt of his into energy I used to prove him wrong. 
Though good came out of that underestimation and made me a better player, it doesn't always end up well. I know people who could never prove their ability to their coach, boss, teacher, or whomever, and were forced to quit or were fired. The opportunity to debunk their doubts is not always there. I was fortunate to have the time to show my coach what I could really do. Time and exposure is really the only thing I've experienced that eliminates someone else's undervalued opinion of you. Being underestimated sucks. Just know your abilities and strengths, and the right person will see them! 
Though, there is a different kind of underestimation that is slightly stupider, and slightly funnier! People underestimate other people's dreams or future goals that's re way out of reach! For instance, people underestimate how much I want to marry a baseball player. Like... Seriously, I want to so bad. Yet, everyone laughs it off! I'm sure everyone has one of those dreams. That one where everyone you tell immediately underestimated how serious you are about that! Haha 
Seriously though, people underestimate how serious I am about marrying a baseball player! I recently went to a game where the players' wives were at a booth doing charity work, and I desperately wanted to go up and ask them how they did it... 

Also, the new thing I did today was drive while eating a large soft serve ice cream cone! Keeping my goal going! (Incase anyone was underestimating my seriousness about achieving my summer goal) :)

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