Saturday, June 29, 2013

Summer Goal

I have made it my goal this summer to do something I've never done before everyday. It presents an interesting challenge. Some days I have things planned in advance, and some days I get halfway done with the day and have to scramble to find something to do! I've been at it for 2 weeks now and in the grand scheme of things I'm holding to my goal really well! 
In the last two weeks I've shot a gun, played slot machines, gotten on the big screen at the Mariners game, and tried a variety of new foods! All of which I have never done before! But don't worry, I'm not being reckless about it! I was completely within safety regulations when I shot the riffle at a gun range with some very knowledgable friends. I was completely legal at the casino. (There is a special 18 year old room) 
But not everyday can have something spectacularly new. Two days ago my "new experience" was trying a meatball sub at Macconi's! About a week ago the thing I did was walk into a store downtown I had never walked into before! 

I don't know where I got the idea, I just started doing it, and decided it would make my summer more interesting! We'll see what I do today! Don't have anything planned yet!

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