Tuesday, February 19, 2013


I think it is human nature to want to put words to everything they see and feel. Now, to put a word to an object isn't difficult at all. But to put a word to an emotion is a little more difficult. No one can see sadness, anger, happiness, or confusion. Yet, here I am typing the words we've given to identify those feelings.
We have an entire professional field dedicated to putting words to feelings! It's called psychology! Don't get me wrong, I love psychology, I study it, and hope to go into it as a career. But I've been reflecting recently on the fact that it's a flawed science. That there are levels of emotions no words any psychologist can come close to saying, that would relate to the feeling. There are sadnesses so deep that "depression" doesn't begin to cover it. There are fears so deep the word "traumatic" can't even come comprehensively close. There are angers so deep that "rage" does even touch the base of it.
There are strong emotions unobtainable by language. Hurts so deep that people literally can't speak from them. There are joys so tremendous that words are unnecessary!
Just something I've been thinking about lately.

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