Sunday, February 24, 2013

Good Mojo

I am about to start me senior season of high school fastpitch. Which is suppose to be the most exciting and fulfilling season of your playing career! I have had my ups and downs with this fastpitch program. I haven't enjoyed every day of practice, I haven't agreed with every decision made. But I've been dedicated to the program since day one... And to the game for over 12 years.
So tomorrow I'm going to try outs with so much good mojo I'm going to be leaving puddles behind me for the others to try and splash in! I'm going to have everything in place. I have laid out my perfect practice gear, complete with my lucky underwear and sports bra. I shaved my legs (even though no one will see my legs) because I'm smooth in every sense of the word, both physically and mentally. I will bring my favorite water bottle, and fill it with Britta water. I have laid out my best shoes incase we are in doors, and have scrubbed off my cleats incase we make it to our field.
I don't do all these things cause I think they will bring me "magic luck." I know that's an irrational thought. But I do these things because they make me feel prepared. And when I'm prepared I feel confidant in what I'm doing. Which is my goal tomorrow. Worrying about those little things doesn't have to happen, so I can focus all my mental energy on my game. I can focus on pumping myself up. Keeping my thoughts in a confident head space. I struggle with that, but it being my senior year, I need to buck up and lead.
I don't want to spend any more time worrying about the thoughts of others when I play.
Tomorrow I'm stepping onto that field for nobody but myself. I have nothing to prove to anybody. I will arrive to kick butt and leave it all on the field.
Cheers to season '13!!

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