Monday, February 11, 2013

The Human Body

I've come to the conclusion that the human body is a rather broken system.
I mean, it seems not a day goes by where one somehow manages to have the opportunity to bump, scratch, even break, or permanently hurt ones own body! Its not that hard to do. Our biggest muscle in our body, the brain, is susceptible to constant aches, our fingers exposed to dangerous objects on a minute to minute basis. If left alone, in our natural environment, our own skin can burn just from the rays of the sun. A human can bite with anywhere between 117 to 265 pounds of force. Yet, our jaw is placed right up against the tender tissue known as our cheeks. That is just a disaster waiting to happen. And those are just the outward things that make the body fragile and frail! The inside of the human body is even more dangerous because we can't see whats happening! There is an entire profession dedicated to fixing the inside and outside of the broken and spastic system we call our bodies (Doctors). For the inside, think of cancer, just think about it... Our own cells multiply! Its not bacteria, its not any outside foreign sources, its just our own stupid bodies killing us from the inside out... at alarming rates around the world I might add.
Our skin peals, our eyelashes can grow the wrong way, (yes, its true, and I have that condition) our teeth can rot, our hair can become ingrown, our bones can break, our muscles can come unattached, our body can overproduce things and underproduce things, and we can get air pockets in our bodies. Even our mind, our brain, can perish because of a multitude of reasons I can't even begin to get into.
Now, I know we don't think about all this on a daily basis. It probably doesn't cross ones mind when they step out of their vehicle or step onto a bus that a billion medical things could go wrong with just that one step. I really believe it's a miracle we make it through each day.

This is just something I really took to heart today, but don't dwell on the subject to long or you will begin to not enjoy life! I learned that as well today.
Hope you enjoy! Thanks to all who read my blog! More to come soon!

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