Friday, September 28, 2012

Making Decisions

Hi all!
This is my first post, so stick with me. I promise I will get better the more I do it! 
Making this blog was a huge decision on my part. For everything I do I have a tendency to weigh the pros and cons of it all before I do it. I have been thinking of starting this blog for months now! Why did it take me so long!? Well, first I thought it would be a great idea, but then became afraid of the response I would get. That people would think I was just complaining and writing about useless problems. That idea held me back for a while. Then I decided I didn't care what others thought, and that I was going to do it. I then hit a road block of which blog site to join and whether I wanted to put effort into typing my thoughts and formulating them into understandable writing (if you even call this understandable writing). But, I examined the amount of time I spend going between Pinterest and Facebook, and decided this might be slightly better for me, more constructive. And I simply googled the #1 most popular blog site, and got this one! All my decisions take this kind of planning and thinking. Even something as simple as picking a sandwich for lunch! There are so many factors, like if I do PP&J, will it get squished in my backpack, where am I going that day, how long will it be in my backpack? If I go with turkey and cheese will it still be fresh when I eat it? And don't even get me started on choosing a Starbucks drink! That is at least a day's worth of decision making. Granite, I usually do all my deliberation while doing other tasks, like emptying the dishwasher,  my walk home, or laying in bed before I go to sleep. I may make it sound burdensome, but I actually don't mind the rigorous decision making process I go through.... It comforts me knowing I won't (usually) make poor snap decisions. It comforts me knowing I have the freedom and power to make my own decisions, a privilege refused to many around the world. It comforts me knowing I have outlets to turn to such as books and people in my life for guidance. And its comforting knowing I have the brain power and the will power to do it. Making decisions is a privileging and daunting task! I hope you give the important decisions in your life some critical thought!
Think Things Through!


1 comment:

  1. That was not a fun moment for you! Rene found one in the little bathroom wastebasket and killed it. When I went to get some plastic recycle stuff out of the basket, and there was another one. Maybe they come in twos, because she was sure she killed the one she saw. This time of year we get two or three then that is it. There are such things as spider traps for the house.(or you could get a lizard) Having to kill it yourself a few times helps get over the ickiness, but then while I don't like them, I don't have the phobia either. They say even hairspray will do the trick. If it is one I really can't reach, I get the vacuum cleaner - with the hose part.
