Saturday, September 29, 2012


Everyone has their little weird fears that they can't rationalize..... mine is spiders. Since I can remember I have had this heart stopping fear of them! Little, big, black, brown, it doesn't matter. They scare the crap out of me! Today was no exception. I was cleaning my room, and I was just moving around a blanket when I see a GIANT (my dad even admitted it was big) spider under it. I screamed, very loudly. My arms flailed around while I did an awkward jump/run/hop motion as quickly as possible out of my bedroom. I continued such motion until I stopped in in the corner of my T.V. room, by now my whole family staring at me, I just start crying.... I'm standing in the corner of the room crying uncontrollably... and doing this weird nervous rubbing thing with my hands. And my dad goes in to kill it, my mind came back to me. I start to replay what just happened. A complete loss of control of my body due to utter and complete fear! My heart beat was rapid for a very long time! And my head hasn't stop hurting since. I experience arachnophobia at its best today. Its all a blur now. It really was a story book freak out. It took me 20 minutes to bring myself down, another 5 minutes of talking myself into going back into the room. About an hour later, moving that same blanket a second spider of the same kind appears.... A variation of the first episode happened again, except this time my dad lost the spider.... Part of me thinks he never got it in the first place. So, I'm currently typing this from my make-shift bed on the couch.... Seeing that there is a rouge spider in my room. Despite all efforts to find it!
All I have left to say is I hope my roommate in college isn't afraid of spiders!


  1. That was not a fun moment for you! Rene found one in the little bathroom wastebasket and killed it. When I went to get some plastic recycle stuff out of the basket, and there was another one. Maybe they come in twos, because she was sure she killed the one she saw. This time of year we get two or three then that is it. There are such things as spider traps for the house.(or you could get a lizard) Having to kill it yourself a few times helps get over the ickiness, but then while I don't like them, I don't have the phobia either. They say even hairspray will do the trick. If it is one I really can't reach, I get the vacuum cleaner - with the hose part.

  2. OK, now I see. I got the first publish under the wrong article. I'm getting there...... (-8
