Saturday, June 29, 2013


At one point or more in everyone's life they are underestimated. By that I mean their capabilities are not valued, seen, or implemented by another person. Being underestimated doesn't mean your self worth should go down, in fact, it should drive you to prove them wrong! I personally get a fire going inside of me when I find out or can just tell someone is underestimating me. For the majority of my high school fastpitch career my main coach (though I had many many great ones) underestimated my playing ability day-in and day-out. All he saw was my initial timid demeanor and unusually small size. He assumed I couldn't make as much of an impact as the bigger and stronger girls. I let that determine the way I play for about a day and a half, before I snapped out of it and harnessed that doubt of his into energy I used to prove him wrong. 
Though good came out of that underestimation and made me a better player, it doesn't always end up well. I know people who could never prove their ability to their coach, boss, teacher, or whomever, and were forced to quit or were fired. The opportunity to debunk their doubts is not always there. I was fortunate to have the time to show my coach what I could really do. Time and exposure is really the only thing I've experienced that eliminates someone else's undervalued opinion of you. Being underestimated sucks. Just know your abilities and strengths, and the right person will see them! 
Though, there is a different kind of underestimation that is slightly stupider, and slightly funnier! People underestimate other people's dreams or future goals that's re way out of reach! For instance, people underestimate how much I want to marry a baseball player. Like... Seriously, I want to so bad. Yet, everyone laughs it off! I'm sure everyone has one of those dreams. That one where everyone you tell immediately underestimated how serious you are about that! Haha 
Seriously though, people underestimate how serious I am about marrying a baseball player! I recently went to a game where the players' wives were at a booth doing charity work, and I desperately wanted to go up and ask them how they did it... 

Also, the new thing I did today was drive while eating a large soft serve ice cream cone! Keeping my goal going! (Incase anyone was underestimating my seriousness about achieving my summer goal) :)

Summer Goal

I have made it my goal this summer to do something I've never done before everyday. It presents an interesting challenge. Some days I have things planned in advance, and some days I get halfway done with the day and have to scramble to find something to do! I've been at it for 2 weeks now and in the grand scheme of things I'm holding to my goal really well! 
In the last two weeks I've shot a gun, played slot machines, gotten on the big screen at the Mariners game, and tried a variety of new foods! All of which I have never done before! But don't worry, I'm not being reckless about it! I was completely within safety regulations when I shot the riffle at a gun range with some very knowledgable friends. I was completely legal at the casino. (There is a special 18 year old room) 
But not everyday can have something spectacularly new. Two days ago my "new experience" was trying a meatball sub at Macconi's! About a week ago the thing I did was walk into a store downtown I had never walked into before! 

I don't know where I got the idea, I just started doing it, and decided it would make my summer more interesting! We'll see what I do today! Don't have anything planned yet!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Getting a manicure

I'm not a very girly-girl, I don't highlight my hair, put on a lot of make-up, and I really don't do my nails! But this last week my very girly grandma came for a visit and insisted we go get our nails done for my high school graduation. So for the first time ever I went to a nail place to get a French tip manicure. Here are my thoughts while getting me nails done.
•Wow, it smells like a group of 12 year old girls have been doing their nails in an enclosed space! Pew!
•This lady talks very quickly and I can't follow along. She makes me very nervous. It's the small ones you gotta watch for...
•She asked me if I had a boyfriend... #foreveralone 
•She asked if I had a job, which I don't. #freeloader
•She asked if I wanted to get my eyebrows done... What is that suppose to mean!? #ugly
•At this point all I can think is that I need to get a job, and I don't have a boyfriend because I need to get my eyebrows waxed... This is fun... NOT
•She is pushing back my cuticles and making them bleed... The fun continues...
•The poster behind her has girls caked in so much make up they look like porcelain dolls! 
•Counted 12 posters of porcelain people posters
•I wonder if the people walking by the nail salon are judging me
•The nail lady just asked me a question and I couldn't understand her... What do I do? 
•Just nod and smile, nod and smile....
•I'm now putting my nails under a special drying light, I wonder if this light will give me cancer, probably will. 
•This old guy that just walked by the salon was definitely judging me! Come back! Let me prove I'm not one of THEM!
•My nails feel heavy.
•The French tips aren't all the same size, OCD going crazy!?
•This is the longest 10 minutes of my life.
•The nail ladies are all talking in another language... I bet they are making fun of us.
•DoI really need to do my eyebrows?
•My cuticles still hurt! 
•Cant believe we just paid to put paint on our skin cells, be stereotyped by passer-byers, possibly made fun of in another language, given cancer by a light that I am quite convinced gives off radiation, and be reminded I don't have a boyfriend. 

So yah, that was my experience. Each bullet is one thought, and I did go in the correct order. Hope you enjoyed! 

I am now done with school and graduation! So I will post a lot more now!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Apple Ear Bud Review

I have been an apple fan from birth. I love the company, and love what they do. But they are not perfect. And I will gladly point out and scrutinize their flaw when I find one. Because Apple is a caring company, and I know they are genuinely interested in how they can become better. 
The design of their revolutionary new earbuds is not fantastic. I was so excited to get these ear buds after seeing the promo for them! After having them for half a year now, and consistently using them, it's safe to say they are close... They were not wrong about them fitting in most people's ears, no matter what the shape! It's fantastic! I can run on a treadmill and they won't jump out! The dynamics of the speakers really make it sound like you are surrounded by music! But the main speaker part at the head of the ear bud is indented ever so slightly. As in, there is a raised plastic edge around the speaker, that probably serves a functional purpose, I just haven't figured it out. It causes me grief though. I get ear was excessively stuck in and around it. Not only is it gross, it actually blocks the sound! I have talked to others that have the same issue. I take a needle or pin to it and carefully clean it out when I can. But I shouldn't need to do that every time I want to listen to music. Also, I have no idea what material the wire is wrapped in, but it always rips at the bottom where the jack is that goes in my iPhone. My previous pair did this as well! I would have thought Apple would have fixed that common problem! 
Over all, these ear buds are still vastly superior to any others on the market today. But it's those two annoyances that slowly drive me up the wall every time I use them. So if you are going to buy the new headphones just know what you are in for, but if you are going for Ear Buds, they are the top choice. Remember Head Phones are completely different!