Sunday, October 28, 2012

Yes Ma'am

Working on a campaign has exposed me to many different people and situations I thought I would never face! Some situations are awkward, like when you have to drive an elderly volunteer to an event, and on the way she tells you you are going the wrong way the entire 1 1/2 hours you are driving, (I was right... BTW) Other situations are awesome. Like when you get to rub elbows with all the senators or judges at political events! But Today is an incidence that left me in a situation I've never been in before.

I was called Ma'am twice! Both times by women in her mid-fifties!

You see, as part of my intern job I call voters and ask them if they are going to vote for my candidate. (yes... I'm that unfortunate person who calls your house with a political question.....they aren't all robo-calls)
But today has been particularly weird in that I got called Ma'am twice! In the past I've been called Little Miss, Sweet Heart, Young Lady, Missy, and even Princess! But I expect those! I know I sound like a little girl on the phone, I sound young! I use it to my advantage sometimes. So why was I called Ma'am today?! Do they know I am a shorter-than-average teenage girl who is young enough to be their granddaughter! If anything I should be addressing them as Ma'am!
It was just kinda awkward. I paused for a quick second after they said it too... trying to process what they said. Cause I thought I heard them wrong. But, since it wasn't awkward for them, I guess the right word would be uncomfortable... cause it was only me who felt out of place.
Have I reached Ma'am status? I feel like I haven't... I feel like you have to live through some stuff, get married, maybe have a respectable job and/or position to be called Ma'am! I feel like you have to have at least ONE wrinkle line or grey hair! Or just be of the female gender having a conversation with Forrest Gump! That works too...
Of which I have experienced none of those scenarios!
So thats my little freckle of the day! Hope you enjoyed!

P.S. with in the time I have written this, I got called Ma'am a third time!!!! What the heck!

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