Monday, October 15, 2012

Parking Meters

So today, I was downtown on two separate occasions. I've gotten pretty aquatinted with the parking process downtown, so when I pulled up to a spot this morning I was excited to see they installed updated parking meters! They looked pretty fancy! I got up to the meter to put my coins in and noticed a problem. The screen on the meters is now facing upwards higher than my vantage point can see, then directly below it is a card slot, then a coin slot. I inserted my coins, but the screen is facing upwards. I can not see the screen! It is no longer around eye level. And not only did I have to stand on my tippy-toes to get to the point of reading the screen, I had to wipe off the rain off the screen to be able to see it! It is tilted in such a way that when it rains, the water just sits on the screen instead of being able to trickle down like the old kind. These new parking meters are challenging for anyone around 5 feet to see and could be more conducive to washington-type weather! The older parking meters were way better about that! You could read them at any height, and the rain would just trickle down it so it was always clear! I want to know why we took a step backwards here Olympia!? And why was I not consulted!?

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