Monday, December 9, 2013

Facial Hair

I know this is strictly my opinion on the dead skin cells growing out of other humans face, but I'm going to give it anyway because being a girl, this is something I have created an opinion on. Collectively us girls have had extensive conversation about the opposite genders facial hair at some point, it is a natural topic of conversation for some strange reason. An aspect we find easy to critique probably because we don't have any (hopefully)…
I think scruff on a guy is fine! It shows he cares about grooming himself but also that he is a man and can actually grow a beard. It is also very dependent on the guy. For most guys, scruff or what some call stubble makes them look older and more defined. But for some it turns into the is awkward patchy mess that adds only sadness and confusion to his facial features. I think the real winners are the ones that can pull off a clean shave and then rock the stubble one week later, able to interchangeably do those looks. Then there is the long outlandish bead the length of my forearm. That curls and hangs there on the guys chin and cheeks overtaking any other physical feature the decent guy might have. As you can tell I'm not such a fan. Nobody displays the unattractiveness that long beards can bring to a man like the Seattle Mariners' Dustin Ackley… He was a very attractive his first season, then took on this beast of a beard that makes him look sad, dirty, and frankly careless. Go look it up, I'm not exaggerating! (showing my bias maybe… but not exaggerating) And nobody displays the attractiveness of the "stubble look" like my amazing boyfriend… Just saying :) (there I go showing my bias again)
But to be totally honest I don't want to critique any guy on his facial hair. It is his face, he can do with it what he wants. It has no determination on his personality, his success in life or anything like that. Girls should not be placing so much worth on the guy's facial hair if they don't want guys placing so much worth in the size of their chest! Cause we all know that is the male equivalent of what us females do.
Now that No Shave November is over I felt I could share my opinion because I have seen enough guys on campus attempting beards for the special fall occasion!

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