Sunday, December 1, 2013

Christmas Tree Hunting

For the first time in my life today I went to a real christmas tree farm and picked out a real tree to put in my aunt and uncle's house! Some of you may gasp at the thought of me going nineteen years without such an experience, but my whole life my parents have done the "fake tree" thing for various reasons. So when the opportunity arose for me to go with my aunt and uncle to a real christmas tree farm I took it!
I have to say, it was almost exactly like picking a pumpkin at the pumpkin patch! We walked up and down the muddy rows of trees inspecting each one, the same way you wander the rows of orange pumpkins in the fall. We marked about three trees we really liked and then decided on one that pleased everyone except my four year old cousin… cause she changed her mind on which tree she liked every two minutes… as to be expected. My uncle got down on his hands and knees and sawed the truck right apart. I followed behind them as they dragged the tree to the barn to pay for it. It was all very "stereotypical" of what I had seen on TV of tree hunting! They even sang christmas carols as they carried the tree! It was very exciting to say I was a part of it! We got the tree shaken of all the dead needles and promptly stuffed in in the back of their truck. With our cold muddy boots on and the tree snug in the back, we piled into the truck and headed off to get cheese burgers (from Five Guys… best burger place ever) and go home!
It was a great way to kick off the christmas season!

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