Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Things I wish I could tell my freshman self

There are a lot of things about my freshman year that I would not change for the world. For the most part I think I killed it my freshman year of college! I found the love of my life, an extraordinary community, solidified my major and career path, and had a blast while doing it. But I had my share of insecure moments, thoughts that I wasn't doing something right. Moments where I felt lost or overwhelmed even if I was playing it off cool, like I'm sure every college freshman has felt.
So here are a few things that I would go back and tell my freshman self if I could that aren't typically told to freshman, in no particular order. These obviously don't pertain to every college freshman out there. I hope these pertain to at least one other person out there and maybe even helps some girls who are shy college freshman right now!

-You don't have to have your career path all planned out. Nor do you have to explain your career ideas to anyone when they ask, and lots of people will ask. It's ok to explore your options. It's ok to know what you want to do and not know how to get there.

-Say "yes" way more often than you say "no". Go on adventures.

-Take it easy on the coffee, I know it's good, I know it keeps you awake. But at the rate you are going by the summer you will have caffeine headaches before 11 am if you don't have coffee right away. Pace yourself.

-Stay on campus on 3-day weekends. They are the some of the most relaxing and enjoyable days of the school year. Campus is quiet and you can just do chill activities or catch up on a lot of sleep.

-Don't be so afraid to ask friends with cars for rides to places like the grocery store. Chances are they need to go or are planning on going soon anyway.

-Spend more time reading your bible.

-There is no such thing as being too organized with school work. All your folders and binders are a good thing. Get better at time management.

-Showering in the dorms will never be very pleasant. Relish in the nice showers you take when you visit home and just power through while you are at school.

-Go to more sports games and things that make you have school spirit. It makes the environment more enjoyable and chances are you will get a free shirt or something.

-Lots of places off campus give student discounts but don't advertise it. Utilize all the savings you can get! Just ask when you are paying or check online before.

Thats all the ideas I have for now! Feel free to comment things you wish you could tell your college freshman self!

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