Monday, July 28, 2014

LTSP I think it's time for an update...

I have been so bad about updating you all! I have just not had any spare time to sit down and write! Our schedules here are extremely packed. All with good things! But leaves us to chose between sleep or update social media most nights. And to be honest I chose sleep every night! haha
But this afternoon is a rare occasion where I got off in the afternoon and everyone is out either working or tubing on a river, so I have nobody to meet with, I'm all caught up on my reading, and there is nothing in town I need to go do! So I get to sit outside and write! Yay!
The easiest way to go about updating you I think is to bullet the highlights of the past few weeks since project was turned over to us! So here we go!

-Leading life group has been an awesome growing experience. I am forced to go in depth in my studies and it has been really good for me to learn how to do that without someone kinda telling me to. I also learn something from my life group girls every day! They are such an awesome support system. I also have a whole new support system of other life group leader girls who help me lead my girls, and we have become close as well, which is awesome!
-The power went out last sunday in all of Lake Tahoe, so we had to scramble to get sandwich fixings and do our meetings by headlamp light. In a lot of ways that was a stressful situation and could have ended poorly. But the whole camp was just so graceful about how we handled that unexpected thing. Our student directors were awesome and lead with authority and all of us went along with them. It was kinda fun for a while to disconnect from the world and only have the camp to turn to for entertainment!
-Timothy Keller is quickly becoming my favorite author. I highly recommend his books. I am currently finishing up his book Jesus The King and currently starting The Meaning Of Marriage.
-My free time is very very limited, I get one full day off which I usually use to meet with 2 of my life group girls to just talk and see how they are doing. But I find time to read during our morning devo time and sometimes in an awkward time gap before dinner. But nights that we don't have certain activities I usually spend running errands, doing laundry, showering, and just trying to catch up on the daily chores life seems to demand. I have my moments where I want nothing more to be 7 again and have my biggest problem be which lollipop to pick out at the check stand! Being a grown up is hard!
-We had a "$5 Prom" where we all went to thrift stores and bought ugly cheap clothes and wore it to a dance we had on saturday night. It was really fun to dress ugly and dance goofy with everyone. Just have a night to hang out and goof around. We got lot's of looks as we went out to eat before the dance. :)
-Church is going ok, the community loves having us here and that is super nice, but the lay out and structure of the service is not what I am used to, which is hard to deal with sometimes.
-Work is long and as I have already conveyed, is not my favorite activity on project. I have yet to really get to know any of my co-workers really well, which is kinda what they encourage us to do. Prayers for my work relations would be greatly appreciated!
-Sharing on the beaches has been a challenge the last two weeks, cause last sunday a giant storm came throughout (that knocked out the power) so nobody was out on the beaches or in town to really talk to. Nobody seemed to be in the mood either. And this last sunday, I went sharing with someone who wasn't really confident in his sharing, so I was forced to step up and really lead the conversations we had, which I had never done before. I was super nervous, and probably didn't do it perfectly, but I am able to reflect back on the 3 conversations I had and learn where I could have done better, and hope and pray that we planted a seed with the folks that we talked to. Sharing is one of the most challenging parts of project by far!
-I've had some of the best ice cream ever while I've been here. There are a handful of authentic home made ice-cream shops around town that we have made our goal to try! I think we have hit them all once by now… Time for round two!
-We've had lots of visitors on camp. Everything from parents, siblings, past summer project goers, to complete strangers stopping in to see what we are all about. As well as two of my very best friends visiting one evening to see me! ;)

Over all, I am beginning to see the effects of project really hit home in my life. I have been convicted of a lot of things in my life, have more of a heart for the unbelievers in this world, and feel a million times more prepared to go back to school and join up with my Cru ministry there! I can tell it will be a hard transition back into "real life" after this. Living for such a long time in such a solid christian community has been so good and I'm already beginning to miss it… and it's not even over!

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