Friday, March 8, 2013

Is he a good texter?

It is a common question in this day and age. When a girl meets a guy and tells her friend about him, her friend will inevitably ask "is he a good texter?"
I have recently been put in this situation, and began to wonder what constitutes a good guy texter, a person who is superb at text messaging. I mean, most guys have a hard time with making natural conversation anyway!
Here is what I have come up with that makes a good guy texter:
-He initiates at least half the conversations
-If you ask him a question, he will answer and turn the question on you... Keeping the conversation going
-He doesn't text "conversation enders" every time. (Those are things like "lol yah" or "nice!")
-If he does a conversation ender, he lets you know he has to go
-He uses emojis, but not an overload
-On average he replies within a timely manor (you can't expect him to reply perfectly all the time, that's not humanly possible, but consistency is nice!)
-He ends your conversation on a sort of "cliff-hanging" note that leaves it open to be picked up the next day casually by either of you! That's the best!

I'm not exactly sure what a timely manor is for a reply. And I know for guys, things like "lol yah" aren't conversation enders, they are just his thoughts, but to girls they are. I never know what to say back to those sort of things!
I'll have to wait and see if this guy I've started texting is a "good texter"! Though, I would never judge a guy by the way he texts! That could cause all sorts of trouble! It's just a quality guys didn't used to be judged on that I think they are now!

That's my random thought of the day!

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