Saturday, November 9, 2013


I found myself rescently reading through my past blog posts, and have come across a couple that I wanted to delete. Particularly one from over the summer. Not because the facts in it were wrong, not because I hate the person or anything. I just realized my view of the situation has changed, I can see looking back on the experience now that I was naive in my thoughts and selfish to the situation, as if I had blinders on my eyes and couldn't see beyond the here and now I was experiencing. I was admittedly also a little overly dramatic in said post. 
I still want to delete the post from my blog. I feel as though it is not relevant anymore, that person is no longer in my life and not for better or worse, no hard feelings, they just aren't and I have changed so much since then.

So why haven't I deleted it yet? 

That action kinda goes against my own philosophy... If I deleted that post it would be as if it were never part of my blog, as if it never happened. When in actuality it did happen. Deleting it from my blog will not delete it from my life. I can't just delete parts of my past or rewrite them with the perspective I have on the situation now. And since I can't do that in real life I won't do that on my blog. It will sit there and serve as a reminder to that moment in time during my life. I learned something from that experience, as I do every experience I write about. It can't be changed, so I will not change it from my blog. 
I want this blog to be as constantly changing, growing, and evolving as I am, and that entails leaving the unchangable experiences of the past right where they are, reflecting on them like I am doing now, and moving on from them like I will do as soon as I hit the little orange "publish" button on this post. 

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