Friday, August 23, 2013

Being a Girl

From my perspective, being a girl is single handedly the best and worst thing possible.
As I'm sure you've gathered I love to people watch, and observe the inately natural yet impulsively annoying nature of my peers. There is something differnet about every social group and social setting I am in, something unique. So I would like to share with you, my readers, my ammature yet somewhat insightful oppinion on girls, what the pro and cons seem to be to me, and my experience with the girls in my age group (late high school - college)

Let's begin with the pros. We generally care about how we look, smell, and carry ourselves. We give complements, even if we do not know one another, and it's not weird. Hugging is completely appropriate for every occasion! Just saw your friend at Target?.... HUG! New movie came out with your favorite actor in it and you are pumped?.... HUG! Won't see your BFF untl tomorrow?..... HUG! Havn't seen your BFF for more than 12 hours?.... HUG!
I think you get the point.
As females we also have an unspoken "girl code" that we use to communicate with other females around us. Certain glances and facial expressions give off messages I swear we are born inately knowing. We are great communicators, and can find common ground with people easily! Girls also get doors held open for them! I personally love this about being a girl! It's not only polite on the gentleman's part, but scores him some inner brownie points!
We are nice, innately friendly, smell good, care about others, and have this cool code we all understand.

Simultaniously, we are an accumulation of some of the worste things on the planet. Though we freely give complements and nobody bats a meticulously manucured eyelash, many times these complements can be back-handed or empty. Unless you really know the girl, you might never know if the complement was genuine. We are tricky that way. As a gender we generally care TO MUCH about the way we carry ourselves, act, or dress. As girls, we are guilty of using our gender to get us things we want from guys. Even if it's something as simple as getting the remote from accross the room cause we are lazy. We can be devious like that. We also gossip about other people to much. We've made our morning routine ten times harder on ourselves by adding hot irons, hair and eye lash curlers, hair dyes, tweezers, and make-up to it.... Periods are a thing.... Enough said.
We are flirtatiously deceiving, overly complicated, and irrational and hellaciously judgmental.

This creates a wonderful and terrifying combination that all the guys have to watch out for! Yet, even with all the things I hate about being a girl (believe me there is more than I typed out here) I wouldn't trade it for the alternative ever! Cause the guys are a completely different set of pros and cons in themselves! But that's a list for another time.

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