Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Getting a massage

Continuing in my quest to do something I've never done before every day, I opted to get a professional massage today. 
I have never done it before, and frankly have never liked the idea of being half naked in a room with a stranger oiling and rubbing on my body like I'm the next sacred human sacrifice!

Hesitant as I was, my mom really wanted me to do it, so I pushed on. 

I had to fill out a pretty detailed form about my medical history and what parts of my body I wanted massaged. One of the options was the gluteal... I promptly checked the "no" box on that one! I was escorted by my masseuse to this low light corner room with soothing music playing. I was told to undress and lay on the heated bed under the blankets. 

The masseuse was a young woman, couldn't have been five years older than me! The massage went very well, the first half hour I spent trying to guess in my head what she was doing, where her hands were going, and why she would do what she did. Most people try to relax but my brain just couldn't let it go! It was only awkward for a few minutes in the beginning. So that was a relief too!

But about half way through she starts talking to me, and we discover we both played fastpitch! So we start talking about the sport and having good conversation. Though, my brain never let me forget I was half naked laying on a table while she was rubbing me. But I did my best not to let my awkward brain intrude on the conversation. She then starts pointing out what muscles are effected by throwing and playing in general. No surprise that those particular muscles rather tight in me! She started pulling and stretching them out! It hurt so bad! I began to wonder if she found pleasure in pulling out those knots and watching me try not to show my pain! 

The massage ended with her pushing on every painful muscle in my neck like they were keys on a piano and her fingers knew every key! 

It was definitely a new experience! Mixed feelings about the end result though, I don't feel any different, and most people feel relaxed! 


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