Thursday, February 28, 2013


The recent few weeks have been very stressful, and as I work through all the things I have to do, trudge through my daily routines in this dreary pacific northwest weather, I feel the strong urge to go away. Preferably to a sunny place, but I wouldn't be picky. Any old quiet place away from this town would do!
It wouldn't even have to be a full blown vacation. Just a get away to a hotel for a night would do. But here is the kicker.... I don't want a vacation. Vacations entail going long hours conversing with your family, sharing a hotel bed with your siblings, and going on someone else's schedule! That sounds just as chaotic and demanding as my life right now, just put in a different venue.
I want a self-cation. I want to go some place on my own and do absolutely nothing and yet everything I want all at once. I spent the better portion of my civics class day dreaming of driving an hour or so to the coast, getting a nice little hotel room to myself, going to the grocery store and buying a ton of junk food, changing into a robe and slippers and just hanging out in the hotel room looking out at the water. Nobody to talk to, nobody to share a bed with, and nobodies schedule to be on. I imagined walking along the cold beach, lost in thought. I would leave my phone turned off in a drawer. Answering to nobody and reading nobodies Facebook posts or emails. Being able to walk the cute little shops along the Main Street, only stopping where I want to. I would eat any food I want, and probably have no structure to my meals at all (eating when I get hungry, instead of at a set time). I would sleep a lot, without fear of my alarm clock buzzing in a matter of a few short hours.
That's my idea of a perfect self-cation. In a quiet and thoughtful place with little distraction, but enough amenities to sustain a spoiled appetite! Enough to not induce boredom that causes anxiety either.
I hope I can find a self-cation sometime soon! Or I might lose my mind!
I think we all need to get away every once and a while. It's good for us!

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