Monday, November 19, 2012


We all know that there are names for every generation, such as the Greatest Generation, the generation that fought and won World War Two. The Baby Boomer Generation, the fertility boom after the soldiers returned from World War Two, the generation of my grandparents. The Silent Generation, born during the Great Depression. I began to wonder what generation am I? What category do I fit into? What reputation does my generation have?
I researched this topic a lot recently, and discovered I am a Millennial- anyone born after 1980, we are the first generation in the new millennium, and are in our late teens to late twenties! Our generation's identity is just being formed. Its exciting to think that what we are doing right now will define our generation in history books. We remember the Greatest generation because they saved a country, we remember the baby boomers because they changed the way the country had to produce goods and provide quality of life to all these booming new families! What is my generation doing to be remembered?
Well, we are confidant, connected, and progressive! We are more expressive, liberal, and open to change. We are more culturally diverse and significantly less religious. Though the millennials that are religious are more progressive and accepting than traditional religious believers in older generations. They have popularized new contemporary ways to worship.
We are on our way to becoming the most educated generation in american history, despite the rising education costs and supposedly broken education systems. Yay us! In 2008 a record 39.6% of young millennials were enrolled in a higher education system. Unfortunately we got one of the hardest blows of the recession, still, most of us still say we have enough money to get by or to go on to higher education. As of 2012 we still have 17% of us unemployed.
But we have a virtual monopoly over the viral world (see what I did there :), becoming the most interconnected generation because of the internet. I think thats what contributes to us being so progressive too. Things are constantly changing on the internet, so we learn to constantly change with it. Social media has expanded ten times over because of us. Nearly 3 out of 4 people of our generation has created a social media profile of some kind, 93% of us feel "empowered" by technology. I know I do! Most of us sleep with our smart phones within arms reach of our bed. We are the first "forever connected" generation and surly not the last!
We tend to have a good relationships with our parents, and have less conflict than previous generations. But only about 6 in 10 of us were raised by both parents. Significantly lower than previous generations. And we respect our elders, we tend to believe they hold higher moral values and work ethic than the young and that we can learn from them. But we have a way higher racial tolerance than the elderly. Generally we are known for getting along with others, and working well with others in social settings.
We ourselves have nothing against marriage, but are in no hurry to rush down the isle. We have the largest demographic of single women growing than ever before. Just 1 in 5 millennials are married, although, when asked, we place marriage and parenthood ahead of a careers.
More than any other generation we are more likely to identify as liberals. We are more progressive and inclusive of all types of people and ideas. Concentrate on domestic social issues the most. Yet, for some reason, incomprehensible to me, we didn't break the mold that the young don't vote. Our age group STILL had the lowest percentage turn out in this years election! I was hoping we would break that, seeing that we are so socially aware! But oh well.....
I think we are in the process of creating a new kind of community. Using our technological devices to create a safe, creative, and positive environment. Bringing our inclusive and progressive ideas forward as we start to take the reins of the country. Harnessing our craving for innovation and gearing it towards finding that 17% some jobs! Jobs that weren't even invented during our parents time!

I'm excited to see what my generation can do. I'm excited to be a part of it!

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